Games and VR
Ingeborg Tott VR game
for Finnish National Museum
The game concept won the Embrace Impact Hack-Art-On event, which was organized in the autumn of 2021 by Aalto Studios and Helsinki XR Center.
Our partners: Varjo, MAGICS, and the National Museum of Finland, Helsinki XR Center.
Our team: Pauliina Lahti, Lotta Veromaa, Isra Rab, Alma Hoque
The Game:
The players' task is to gain access to the castle and the King's Hall.
The game starts in the Guards' Room, where the guard tells the plot of the game and the player learns to move in the virtual space.
The game centers around the Ingeborg Tott statue, standing 7 meters tall, that comes alive in the Artillery room. The player's task is to bring gifts to the offering table and do the tasks she commands them to. The player's success in the missions determines whether the awakened warlord is pleased or enraged.
The game ends in the King's Hall, where a successful performance on part of the player is rewarded with nobility and riches, but the unlucky one ends up as a poor peasant.
The game was developed for Varjo Aero using Unity game engine. I was in charge of programming the game with C# and Unity developing. I also did some of the 3D models e.g. King's Hall, chest and bat.
We jointly as a team created the game design and produced the game. We used motion capture and scanning to bring the medieval objects and Ingeborg alive.
3D point clouds were cleaned using ReCap and Meshroom. Ingeborg Tott's movements were captured using the Xsens Motion Capture suit by actress Alma Pöysti.
The guard's character is an armour belonging to the National Museum. The team scanned the armour, using an ArtecLeo 3D scanner, to get the best reference for the 3D model of the guard.

VR Meditation
Meditation Bay is a VR meditation experience. It's part of my thesis about how VR can be used in stress relieving and calming meditation. The exprience includes voice guided meditation and possibility to track your mood before and after the meditation. The design choices are made to increase the relaxation, reduce stress, and to cause as few disturbing stimuli as possible.
I designed and developed the whole experience based on the research I did in my thesis. The experience is developed with Unity and Meta Quest 2. 3D assets are from Unity asset store.
Made with: Unity, Meta Quest 2, C#, Blender, Photoshop, Visual Studio.

MCFC VR assembly training
Molten carbonate fuel cell machine assemply training in VR. This project was made for a customer who wanted a VR training simulation for educational purposes. The goal is to put the machine pieces in right places in right order. Visual guidance for the player is provided with UI, color ques and sound. The project includes also user interface screen for the MCFC machine which was made based on the pictures the customer sended.
My part: Unity work, gamepaly design, C# programming, some 3D machine parts. I worked mostly with Unity physics mechanics and gameplay.
Made with: Unity, C#, Meta Quest 2, Visual Studio, Blender.

Isla Beppu Fantasma VR experience
VR environment school project made by team of eight persons.
My part: Unity work, VR implementation, C# programming, some 3d assets.
Download free:

Ragnarough 3D game
3D multiplayer game made with Unity by team of five persons. I worked as a programmer.
Download free:

WebGL Bubble game (PC & mobile)
Simple 2D WebGL bubble game. Solo project.
Made with Unity, C#, Photoshop
Play with phone or PC here (No download):
Dog anatomy app
Learn animal bones
Made with Unity, Blender, C#, Photoshop
Wizard VR game
Moody wizard themed VR game.
Solo project where my part included: Game design, level design, overall gameplay, C# programming and Unity work.
Most 3d assets: Broken Vector, Ferocious Industries
Egypt themed game
Egypt themed game where the goal is to collect 3 items from the map. The level is mostly procedurally generated. My part of the project was remeshing and texturing some of the mega scans and scetchfab models. I also worked with Unreal Engines nodes and precedurally generated some of the assets to the level.
Made with Unreal Engine 5, Quixel Mixer, Blender

Made with Unity and Blender
All done by me, except the terrain fauna.

Problemouse 2D game
2D game made by team of five second year students from Games Academy TAMK.
My part: Game design, C# programming and Unity work with team.
Download free:

Arrow shoot game
Made with Unity, Blender, C#
All made by me
"Fruity" mobile game
Mobile game made for android. All made by me
Made with Unity, Blender, C#.
Food Of Fortune mobile app
The project was to make mobile game for TAMK's What makes you wanna move? -project. Task was to try to make a game that would make students eat healthier or move more everyday instead of sitting down. As a four member team, we made a game that would help students eat healthier in every day basis.
Product development project was implemented through extensive agile project management methods.
The game was presented in student fair at TAMK.
My part: Game design, Java programming with team, game background 2D art.
Download free:
3D design
Architectural visualization
Made with 3ds Max

3D modeling & animation
Made with 3ds Max

Fantasy animal
Made with ZBrush and Blender
"Desert beast"
Made with Unreal Engine using CAD car model
3D Materials
Made with Substance Designer

Shark model and animation
Made with 3ds Max

AR for algae exhibition
I designed and developed a web based AR for algae exhibition where algae and other microscopic marine organisms come to life through 3D-models, images and videos. Info texts are available in Finnish, English and Swedish and can be switched by pressing the flag buttons. Info circles include links leading to web pages for more information about the algae.
Made with MyWebAR and Blender

Instagram filter
Oni mask filter for Instagram. Created with Meta Spark Studio. My part in this project was designing the filter with a team and developing with Spark Studio and programming with JavaScript.
Made with Meta Spark Studio with JavaScript

AR portfolio
AR portfolio app which recognizes the picture from the screen and creates a 3D objects to the phone for user to look, scale and rotate
Made with Unity and Vuforia.
360 & photogrammetry
Photogrammetry and retopology
Made with Meshroom and Blender

360 panorama

Photographs taken with Canon 750D

Graphic design / Digital art
2D art
Monkey poster and dragonfly made with Photoshop

1st place in Hack-Art-Thon design competition
Hack-Art-Thon design competitin was held by Embrace XR. Task was to design an XR experience for Finnish National Museum. Our team of four designed and made a demo of a VR experience, where player meets an enormous statue of Ingeborg Tott which comes alive and asks the player to carry tasks for her. Our team won and is currently making the game for the museum and it will be exhibited in fall 2022.